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God is in control

With the weather turning wintery in Israel after the recent arrival of first fall rains and temperatures dropping, we are forced to switch gears and wardrobes, and brace for the chiller tide amid the infamous virus that is still lurking among us.

While many countries in Europe and elsewhere in the world are forced to ride the second wave of Covid-19 into new nationwide restrictions these days, Israel is already gradually exiting from its own second national lockdown. Just like last spring, the Jewish State is leading the way again.

From the middle of October, after ending the 3-week period of mandatory confinement, which was almost as strict as during Pesach, the government decided to slowly ease the limitations on the public. Within the prescribed regulations’ parameters, people “flooded” the barbershops and hair salons as soon as they opened for business a couple of weeks ago.

Every week more and more grades are allowed back to school. But antsy university students, tired of Zoom-classes, are yet to receive their green light to return to the campuses for their studies.
Even some domestic tourism is allowed. Some hotels in and around Eilat and Dead Sea have been declared green zones, and welcome customers, provided they present two negative virus tests upon arrival.

With street-side shops already open, allowing four customers inside at a time, this weekend, Israel is also planning a trial run with a few shopping malls and markets. The above arrangements have introduced a new Corona-related phenomenon to Jerusalem’s streets – long lines of hopeful masked shoppers waiting for their turn behind doors.

On the vaccine front, eager to put an end to all this madness, Israel has signed agreements on procuring vaccines with two American pharmaceutical companies – Moderna and Pfizer. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s stated goal “is to bring as many vaccines as possible, from as many sources as possible, to as many citizens as possible – and as soon as possible, and with God’s help, beat the pandemic.” The above-mentioned companies are citing around 95 % efficacy rate with their vaccines, which are nearing the end stages with their clinical trials, and pending certain legal provisions, could become available to the wider public already this winter.

Among other countries, also some homegrown companies are working on developing their own virus remedies. Israel Institute for Biological Research has developed a vaccine called BriLife. With human trials underway, the Institute hopes to emerge with good news by early summer next year and Israeli Defense Ministry is ready to mass produce it for all citizens of Israel as soon as they receive good news.
All the while some are anxiously waiting for the first antidote against the virus to hit the market, we are aware there are those who are against all kinds of vaccinations. There are even some who are convinced that this whole pandemic is a man-made fake hype to generate fear and mass hysteria with the goal to control people. And moreover, some even believe that by making inoculations against COVID-19 mandatory for citizens, governments might be seeking to secretly introduce tracking.

Well, everybody is entitled to their opinion.

We choose to believe that God is in control. To some, it may sound as a cliché, to others utter gibberish. But to those who are at their last straw in trying to make sense of it all, or to those whose faith may be failing; we offer a few thoughts from the Scriptures. After all, it says that faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God.

The whole Bible starts with a sort of a chaos, or tohu wa-bohu in Hebrew, on the earth. And it says the Spirit of the Lord was right there. Then God spoke, and there was light. And the rest is history.
In the end of the Holy Scriptures you see Him emerging victorious in the final end-time battles.
In the middle, we find proof of our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness in His numerous promises in the Scriptures, His Word to us.

Psalm 139 speaks about Him being everywhere and in everything, and knowing your comings and goings, your sitting down and getting up.

Psalm 121 promises that our help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth; and the One who watches over Israel never slumbers nor sleeps.
Isaiah 33 portrays Him as the stability of our times, when the highways lie waste and the traveler ceases.
Throughout the whole Bible we are encouraged not to fear, to be strong and courageous, as Immanuel, God who is with us, has promised never to leave nor forsake us.
The gospels inspire us not to worry, as He knows the number of hairs on our head and feeds the birds of the air and the lilies of the field.

In John 16:33 our Lord says: “These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

John 14:27 elaborates on the nature of that peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
And in Philippians 4:6 we are rallied to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

When His disciples were looking to decipher the signs of the times, our Lord pointed them to the fig tree, Israel.

Most of God’s promises pertain to Israel. He said He would scatter them among the nations of the earth, if they are unfaithful, and He did that. But He also promised to bring them back. Looking out the window here in Eretz Israel, we can certainly see that Adonai has kept His promise.
So perhaps the first „vaccine“ we could reach for in these tumultuous, disease-ridden times, is prayer based on the Creator’s promises in His Word.

There are many more Scripture verses full of our Heavenly Father’s rich assurances we could list here, but we have run out of time and space. So we would love to leave you with the words of Job, who certainly saw some troubles in his day.

“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.“ (Job 19:25-27).

And as always – pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for those who love it, will be secure. Shalom!

–By Monika Jaagu