Iran holds multi-sector military drill

The Islamic Republic conducted joint naval, air, and ground exercises in the Gulf of Oman near the sensitive Strait of Hormuz. By Erin Viner The three-day maneuvers involved “the deployment…

Iran blames currency crash on protests

The rial has lost nearly 20% of its value since the nationwide protests erupted three months ago. By Erin Viner The Islamic Republic’s troubled currency fell to a new low…

Netanyahu urges closer US-Saudi ties

During an interview with Al Arabiya English, Israeli Prime Minister-Designate Benjamin Netanyahu also pledged to achieve a "quantum leap" in peace between Jerusalem and Riyadh. By Erin Viner "The traditional…

UN kicks Iran out of women’s commission

The Islamic Republic was ousted from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for its policies contrary to the rights of women and girls. By Erin Viner The move…

Mossad: Iran’s core is terror

The Islamic Republic and terror as one and the same, says Israel’s Mossad Intelligence Agency Director David Barnea. By Jonathan Hessen and Erin Viner “Terrorism is a permanent and inseparable…

Israel’s main security challenge is Iran

This, according to National Security Advisor and National Security Council Director, Dr. Eyal Hulata. By Erin Viner "The main security challenge facing Israel continues to be Iran and it is…

IDF holds multi-sector drill

The week-long widescale operation is taking place as a series of joint Israeli-United States  aerial exercises are also being held. By Erin Viner The military exercise is being held on…

Kochavi: Time to speed up Plan B

That is the message IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi has conveyed to senior American officials during his visits to the White House and the Pentagon focused on…

Netanyahu repeats pledge to prevent a nuclear Iran

Israel’s presumptive next premier has long vowed to take any necessary action to prevent the Islamic Republic from acquiring atomic bombs. By Erin Viner “I’ll do anything in my power…

IAEA demands Iranian compliance

It is “essential and urgent" that the Islamic Republic explain the origin of the uranium particles found at three undeclared sites, insists the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). By Jonathan…