Palestinians hold local elections

Palestinians voted in West Bank municipal elections this past week, in a rare democratic exercise against a backdrop of rising anger over the cancelation of legislative and presidential votes by…

Sweden: PA corruption hinders aid

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde stated that “widespread corruption” in “Palestine” is “an obstacle” for Stockholm’s “ambitions to help with economic development.” By Erin Viner This, according to Radio Sweden…

Abbas critic dies in PA custody

By Erin Viner for TV7 Furor has erupted in the Palestinian Authority (PA), after the death of a known activist detained by President Mahmoud Abbas' security forces. Nizar al-Banat, 43,…

Abbas: PA will work with Israel’s new gov’t

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared willingness to interact with the new Israeli government, which took office on 13 June under the leadership of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. “We will deal…

The Status Quo in Gaza is the Least-Bad Option

By Major General (res.) Yaakov Amidror There are plenty of nice plans for Gaza, but none that will change the core truth: Hamas will continue to seek Israel’s destruction, and…

Netanyahu: IDF op not on ‘stopwatch’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed determination to press on with Operation Guardian of the Walls against Gaza’s Hamas rulers “until its objective is achieved to restore quiet and…

IDF sets Gaza terrorists ‘back by years’

Palestinian Islamists kept up cross-border rocket fire today, with no firm sign of any imminent ceasefire despite international calls to end Gaza’s conflict with Israel. The Hamas-controlled territory has indiscriminately…

Hamas Wants to Be Crowned the Guardian of Jerusalem

— By Col. (res.) Grisha Yakubovich The current major escalation between Israel and Hamas is a result of the terror organization’s long-term strategic vision aimed at ultimately crowning it as…

Palestinians call off elections

As expected, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ‘postponed’ 22 May parliamentary elections amid internal divisions among his Fatah party and a dispute with Israel over voting by Arab residents in east…

Israel blamed for PA election delay

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is widely expected to imminently announce cancellation of the first elections in 15 years, amid infighting in his Fatah party and a dispute over voting in…