200,000 Israelis forced into bomb shelters

Violence on the southern front escalated over the weekend, when Palestinian-Islamists in Gaza fired more than 40 rockets at Israeli communities. According to the IDF, at least 10 of the…

Israel weighs options on Gaza

A  Palestinian Islamic Jihad sniper squad opened fire from the area of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip toward IDF troops operating within Israeli territory. Israeli soldiers and the…

Gaza fires rocket at Israel during Netanyahu rally

A rocket fired by Palestinian-Islamists in Gaza was intercepted by Israel’s air defense systems last night. The Israeli military confirmed the launch toward the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, which…

Gazan rocket fire continues

Palestinian Islamists are continually launching rockets and mortar-shells from the terror-infested Gaza Strip toward Israel’s civilian communities. Up until 08:15 this morning, approximately 220 projectiles were fired from the Hamas-controlled…

Gaza Rocket Barrage Met by Swift IDF Retaliation

Palestinian-Islamists fired a barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israel’s southern communities over the weekend. Ten separate launches from the Hamas-controlled territory were launched toward the Western Negev,…

PM: JCPOA Paved Path to Iranian Atomic Bomb

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) of responsibility for the current nuclear escalation with Iran. In remarks delivered via satellite with Pastor…