Israel, UAE sign FTA

The Free Trade Agreement will reduce or eliminate tariffs on about 96% of goods traded between the nations, Israel's Foreign Ministry (MFA) said. By Erin Viner The deal will also…

Ben-Gvir promises major rise of gun permits

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir intends to actuate a five-fold increase in firearms licenses, in response to deadly Palestinian terror attacks in Jerusalem late January. By Erin Viner Israel’s…

IDF soldiers hurt in car-ramming

A Palestinian driver rammed his car into Israeli troops stationed at the Tapuach Junction. By Erin Viner The suspect accelerated toward two soldiers and deliberately hit them, said the IDF.…

Blinken urges calm by Israelis, Palestinians

The two-day visit by Washington’s top diplomat to the region comes amid some of the bloodiest violence between the two sides in years. By Jonathan Hessen and Erin Viner United…

Israel vows strong response to terror

The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has imposed as series of new measures aimed at countering Arab attacks on Israeli civilians. By Erin Viner “While we are not seeking…

Arab terrorist kills 7 in Israel

A series of four attacks and attempted-attacks spanned three days. By Erin Viner An Israeli-Arab gunmen launched a murderous rampage in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood of Jerusalem. Eyewitnesses said that…