Soldier’s Killer dies amid fresh attack

Palestinian terrorist Udai Tamimi murdered 18-year-old IDF Border Police Sgt. Noa Lazar on 8 October. By Erin Viner The Palestinian gunman was carrying out another shooting in Ma’ale Adumim on…

2nd IDF soldier killed in just days

Staff Sergeant Ido Baruch  succumbed to injuries sustained in a roadside ambush in the West Bank yesterday. By Jonathan Hessen and Erin Viner Palestinian gunmen killed Sgt. Baruch in a…

IDF captures wanted Jenin terrorist

Tensions remain high in the West Bank, with Israeli security forces ongoing counterterrorism activities throughout Judea and Samaria by IDF, Israel Security Agency (ISA, Shin Bet) and police forces as…

Palestinian killed in gun battle with IDF

Palestinian gunmen opened fire on Israeli soldiers in the West Bank. By Erin Viner The violence erupted when IDF troops arrived in the village of Silat al-Harithiya on Sunday to…

Israel arrests West Bank Palestinian terrorists

4 more Palestinians have been arrested for suspected involvement in the murder of Yehuda Dimantman near Homesh. By Erin Viner All of the suspects were identified as members of the…

Israeli killed in Samaria terror attack

Preliminary investigation indicates that attack was likely planned in advance and perpetrated by more than one terrorist. - By Erin Viner Yehuda Dimantman, 22, was killed and 2 others injured…