Israel celebrates Sukkot Festival

Jews around the world are currently observing the week-long holiday. By Erin Viner In accordance with all Jewish holidays that begin at sundown, Sukkot celebration began on Sunday evening. Sukkot is referred…

Lapid addresses UNGA

The main points of Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid's speech to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York included the Iranian nuclear threat and strategies to reach peace…

Israel on high security alert

The defense establishment is preparing strategies to counter a potential rise of Palestinian terror attacks during the approaching Jewish holiday season. By Erin Viner Local media is reporting that the…

Jews celebrate Sukkot holiday

Jews around the world are currently observing the week-long festival of Sukkot. By Erin Viner In accordance with all Jewish holidays that begin at sundown, Sukkot celebration began last night.…

Israel’s lockdown defied by ultra-Orthodox

The Chief Rabbis of the Israeli city of Bnei Brak have issued a joint statement permitting residents to observe the approaching Simchat Torah holiday within synagogues - in direct contravention…