IDF neutralizes Palestinian gunman

The incident occurred during a clash near the Palestinian city of Halhul. By Erin Viner The Palestinian assailant shot at Israeli soldiers conducting routine activity in the area. The troops…

West Bank terrorists clash with Israeli forces

The violence erupted during ongoing counterterrorism activities by the IDF, Israel Security Agency (ISA, Shin Bet) and Border Police Special Operations units throughout the West Bank districts of Judea and…

Israeli security high ahead of Passover

Several measures are being taken to ensure safety during celebration of the Jewish festival amid an ongoing wave of terror attacks. By Erin Viner Observance of the Passover holiday is…

IDF reinforces security at Joseph’s Tomb

The ancient bural site was severely damaged by Palestinians earlier this week. By Erin Viner About 100 Palestinians were filmed demolishing and setting fire the shrine, located in the Balata…