
The Islamic State claims responsibility for London terror attack

A home-made bomb on a packed rush-hour commuter-train in the city of London engulfed a carriage in flames on Friday, wounding 30 people. Thankfully, the bomb failed to fully explode, avoiding an even worse outcome. The Islamic State, which has once again claimed responsibility for the heinous terror attack, vowed to continue targeting the United Kingdom in particular and the West in general. Meanwhile, the terror attack, which is Britain’s fifth major terrorism incident this year, was called by British Prime Minister Theresa May as “cowardly”, vowing to apprehend those responsible. As such, a British police official stressed that excellent progress was being made.

Meanwhile, British Home Secretary Amber Rudd noted that a decision had been made to reduce the terrorism threat level from ‘critical’ to ‘severe’, meaning an attack on UK soil was still highly likely, but not imminent.