Israel-Lebanon: security situation assessment - Jerusalem Studio 784

Lebanon has everything nature has bestowed on it - mountains, snow tops, forests, beaches - and almost nothing designed by humans. No functioning government, no healthy economy, no cohesive society. Regrettably, it does have something to show for its troubles: Hezbollah, which lately has once again been provoking Israel, threatening renewed escalation, with whoever is on duty in Beirut powerless to shape events. How serious is the security situation faced by Israel in its Northern border, and can it be taken care of without a radical downgrading in the power of the Iran-sponsored Shiite militia?
Panel -
Host: Mr. Jonathan Hessen, TV7 Israel Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief
Col. (Ret.) Dr. Eran Lerman, Co-host TV7 Middle East Review, Powers-in-Play Panelist, Vice President Jerusalem Institute Strategy Security
Col. (Res.) Reuven Ben-Shalom, TV7 Powers-in-Play Panelist, Cross-Cultural Strategist and Associate at Institute Counter Terrorism, Reichman University
TV7 At Large: Amir Oren
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  • Published: August 04, 2023
  • Duration: 28 min

Jerusalem Studio

The program offers the viewer deeper understanding about current events in Israel. The topics vary from domestic and foreign policy to social changes, archaelogy and religion.
The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.


  • 28min

    Iran and a Multi-Sector War : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 869

    Earlier this week, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman CQ Brown voiced concern that Israel would be drawn into a full-scale war with Hezbollah. General Brown stated his fears that if Israel seems to be beating the Iranian proxy, Tehran would then join the fight in order to save its Lebanese arm from annihilation. The…
    June 25, 2024 16501 views
  • 28min

    Iran’s Nuclear Race : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 868

    Iran’s Nuclear Race : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 868 It takes both will and ability to acquire nuclear weapons, and both of these are susceptible to outside pressure. It should be taken as a given that, left to its own devices, Iran would have more than likey crossed the nuclear threshold long ago.…
    June 19, 2024 11501 views
  • 28min

    Iran and its Regional Proxies: the Rising Threat of War : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 867

    Except for its failed April 14 missile and drone attack, Iran has been careful to conduct its war against Israel only through proxies. In the West, Hamas. In the North, Hezbollah. In the East, Iraqi Shiite militias. In the South, Yemen’s Houthis. This has been a low-risk strategy for Tehran, but it does have one…
    June 18, 2024 17208 views
  • 28min

    Israel’s Strategic Conundrum: From Gaza through Washington to Beirut : Jerusalem Studio 866

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s plane probably flies to the Middle East on autopilot, as Blinken is so frequently commuting to Tel Aviv, Cairo, and Riyadh among other major regional destinations. This time around his focus is on the Biden deal for a prolonged ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, which would result in hostage…
    June 12, 2024 17169 views
  • 28min

    Europe’s Election and Implications for the Mideast : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 865

    The 720 members of the European Parliament have been elected over the past several days. This is six times the number of Knesset members in Israel, and the impact on the ability of reaching a consensus is comparable. With the new make-up of the EU’s legislative now apparent, jockeying is now expected in the contest…
    June 11, 2024 6716 views
  • 28min

    A Fresh Look at Washington Mideast Policy : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 864

    Some seven months from now, next January 20th, a President will take the Oath of Office and will begin a second term with a new team and presumably a new policy, improving on whatever did not work the first time around. Whether the Chief Executive turns out to be Biden or Trump, he will most…
    June 05, 2024 7518 views
  • 28min

    Holding in Gaza, Racing in Tehran? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 863

    The urgent always takes priority over the important. It is natural - first aid, or more crucially a tourniquet, must be administered immediately, while surgery can be delayed, if death does not look imminent. Therefore, Israel and the West are understandably preoccupied with Hamas and Hezbollah, but under this cover Iran may be running, or…
    June 04, 2024 10795 views
  • 28min

    Military Moves under Legal Limits, Israel after two Hague Blows, Israel at War, Jerusalem Studio 862

    The two International Courts in the Hague may not agree on everything in their respective jurisdictions, but they do seem to be on the same page when Israel is attacked. A few days after the ICC prosecutor recommended arrest warrants against Israel’s Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, the ICJ sought to curtail its operations…
    May 28, 2024 12909 views
  • 28min

    U.S.-Europe Foreign Policy vs Mideast & Israel, Israel At War – Jerusalem Studio 861

    Support @tv7israelnews - Listen to TV7 Israel News latest War updates also on our podcast You are welcome to join our audience and watch all of our programs - free of charge! TV7 Israel News: Jerusalem Studio: TV7 Israel News Editor’s Note: TV7 Europa Stands: TV7 Powers in Play:…
    May 22, 2024 7780 views
  • 28min

    Iran VS Israel : The Looming Threat of Regional Conflagration : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 860

    Iran may have lost two important members of its government earlier this week, but the direction in which its Supreme Leader has been taking it for many years in his quest for nuclear power and his enmity towards Israel and the United States remains firm. A new President and Foreign Minister will inevitably emerge, carrying…
    May 21, 2024 28023 views
  • 28min

    The Palestinian quest for statehood, Israel At War – Jerusalem Studio 859

    For two decades, between the United Nations’ Partition Resolution and the Six-Day War, the Palestinians were either not willing or not able to establish a state of their own. They first gambled on nipping the State of Israel in the bud, then were under Jordanian and Egyptian occupation. It was only through the good services…
    May 15, 2024 10331 views
  • 28min

    Iran’s grand strategy amid Western complacency, Israel At War – Jerusalem Studio 858

    In the 1980’s, global and regional powers looked from the sidelines as the Islamic Republic of Iran clashed with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Now the tables seem to have turned. Other nations and organizations are fighting, and Iran - with one significant and futile exception - makes do with pulling its strings. What is Tehran’s grand…
    May 14, 2024 32863 views
  • 28min

    The Middle East : Emerging Counter-Balancing Alliances : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 857

    On the eve of Israel’s Independence Day, the most prominent feature of its own statehood as well as of the entire Middle East is the inter-dependence of all regional entities, both among local partners and with global powers. Two main groups have emerged, based on common interests and rivalries. The first group is comprised of…
    May 09, 2024 21739 views
  • 28min

    Hamas VS Israel : What's Next? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 856

    The Gaza War is now in its eighth month, and whether its going to be the last one, or only the first month of a collapsible truce, is soon to be decided between Tel Aviv and Rafah, Washington and Cairo. Military operations are ongoing, as are talks around a deal where – Israel should bring…
    May 07, 2024 18237 views
  • 28min

    Western policy of containment versus aggressive adversaries - Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 855

    More than three years into President Biden’s term, his policy is unmistakable. As the leader of the US and therefore of the so-called “Free World”, Biden prefers to contain global and regional adversaries in a non-confrontational manner, rather than answer their aggressive behaviour with assertive demonstrations of American power. For an interim stock-taking of this…
    May 01, 2024 10533 views
  • 28min

    US-Israel VS Iran-Russia-China in the Mideast : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 854

    While the enemy of my enemy may indeed almost always be my friend, it does not necessarily follow that the friend of my enemy is automatically my enemy. International relations are of course more complicated than any simplistic headline. Nevertheless, not since the end of the Cold War has there emerged such a stark alignment…
    April 30, 2024 34678 views
  • 28min

    Defense and Offense in Regional Conflicts : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 853

    Earlier this month, within a period lasting less than a week, the Israeli Air Force demonstrated its capabilities in the two basic domains of warfare : defense and offense. First, along with the US and other friendly militaries, it intercepted hundreds of Iranian missiles and drones, minimizing hits and casualties on the ground. Then, in…
    April 23, 2024 25943 views
  • 28min

    The Gaza War and the Iranian Dimension : Israel Under Siege? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 852

    When Yahya Sinwar ordered his murderous minions to invade the peaceful residents of the Negev’s towns and villages last October, he hoped and expected Moslems from every corner surrounding Israel to follow his lead. Sinwar was disappointed by the partial response, harassing Israel and preventing it from devoting its entire might to Gaza, but not…
    April 17, 2024 40302 views
  • 28min

    Iran’s Nuclear Race : Is Breakout Imminent? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 851

    Although Iran did not initiate the April round of hostilities with Israel, which started with the assassination of its IRGC officers in Damascus, Tehran did respond with an outsized attack. And now, even though it was blocked by Israel - with a little help from her friends - there is a danger of Iran feeling…
    April 16, 2024 44025 views
  • 28min

    Countering Threats to Freedom of Navigation, Jerusalem Studio 850

    Casualties counted by either killed, wounded or captured are not the only measures of a War’s toll. Nor are the displaced or properties destroyed or damaged by bombs, shells and missiles. There is also the severe disruption by goods being blocked, delayed and overpriced by threats to supply chains. This is especially apparent in the…
    April 10, 2024 12985 views
  • 28min

    Six Months of Fighting Across the Lebanon-Israel Border, Jerusalem Studio 849

    The term “the day after”, so widely used regarding the elusive political aftermath of the Gaza War, also actually applies to Israel’s campaign against Hezbollah. This started with the Shiite militia’s attack the day after Hamas launched its offensive in October, and may or may not end the day after a ceasefire is reached on…
    April 09, 2024 13017 views
  • 28min

    Lost in Translation? The costs of indirect negotiations, through mediators - Jerusalem Studio 848

    Peace and pause are naturally negotiated by and between enemies, but not always directly. When the alienation between the parties as it is when Israel faces hostile forces bent on its very destruction, mediators are necessary. This goes back to the armistice agreements of 1949 and is especially evident when Jerusalem is faced by Non-Governmental…
    April 03, 2024 15544 views
  • 28min

    Egypt, challenge or crisis, Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 847

    Egypt has always been the proudest and most important Arab country, first to gain its independence and with a reasonable military if not economic claim to lead the various competing nations of the Arab world. But Egypt is also continuosly beset by problems in almost every sphere and had become dependent on the generosity of…
    April 02, 2024 27629 views
  • 28min

    Israel's Northern Arena : Iran's Military Preparations for War, Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 846

    For many years, war with Hezbollah was the major scenario for which the Israel Defense Forces prepared, with Gaza being a distant second and Iran looming far off on the horizon. October 7 changed this calculus. Hamas launched the war, Hezbollah half-heartedly joined the fray, and Iran appears concerned that Israel used this escalation to…
    March 27, 2024 27928 views
  • 28min

    Mideast Intricacies amid Strategic Power Competition : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 845

    For a rare moment earlier this week, all of the world’s leading powers were almost on the same page. This occurred when the UN Security Council voted for a Ramadan ceasefire, with Russia and China, Britain, France and others in favor and the US abstaining. This, however, seems like an exception to the current rule…
    March 26, 2024 9938 views
  • 28min

    US - Israel Relations, Amid Rising Bilateral Tensions : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 844

    When Hamas viciously attacked Israel, committing unspeakable horrors, there was no daylight between Jerusalem and Washington. President Biden sprang into action and immediately provided Israel with essential military, naval and diplomatic support. But as time marched on and the human cost of the IDF’s campaign in Gaza drew ever-louder criticism, the gap between Biden and…
    March 20, 2024 12651 views
  • 28min

    Can Israel Defeat Hamas, as International Pressure Mounts? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 843

    On the sixth month of the Gaza War, there is growing doubt as to whether Israel can defeat the terror organization whose October 7 massacre catalysed a chain reaction. The IDF is clearly superior to the 30,000 or so militia, structured in some 6 territorial brigades and 2 dozen battalions. But the limits on employment…
    March 19, 2024 14947 views
  • 28min

    Anti-Semitism : Spillover from the Israel-Hamas War? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 842

    The scourge of Anti-Semitism long preceded Zionism and indeed was a major factor in generating this movement, when the visionary Theodor Herzl considered the implication of the Dreyfus Affair. But lately, both organizations and individuals objecting to specific policies of certain Israeli governments have crossed the line to embrace Jewish hatred in all of its…
    March 13, 2024 9955 views
  • 28min

    Can a Northern War be Averted? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 841

    Neither Israel nor Hezbollah are spoiling for a full-scale war. This conclusion is well established after five months of constant exchanges of fire between the Lebanese border and the Galilee district of Northern Israel. Both parties would rather return to the relative quiet although tense situation which preceded the October 7 onslaught by Hamas. The…
    March 12, 2024 12660 views
  • 28min

    Iran's Nuclear Program : IAEA Raises the Alarm : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 840

    Masks and costumes have always been a feature of Persian culture, in peacetime and wartime, for fashion and fun, and this could possibly even be the origin for the festival of Purim. Now the Iranian nuclear project seems to be wearing several masks simultaneously, the more the better to confuse whoever suspects Tehran of working…
    March 06, 2024 20416 views
  • 28min

    The Middle East : A Regional Threat Assessment : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 839

    Looking forward to the beginning of Ramadan next week, the Middle East anxiously waits to see whether or not last-minute developments will signal a short-term respite from the violence which has engulfed the Arab-Israeli divide during recent months, having branched south to the Red Sea and east to an indirect Iranian-American confrontation. Or could another…
    March 05, 2024 13284 views
  • 28min

    Iran's Nuclear Race : Is a Looming Breakout Inevitable? Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 838

    With all eyes on Iran’s policy through proxies - from Gaza and Lebanon to Iraq and Yemen - the most strategically significant event could evade detection. That being a possible breakout in the Iranian quest for nuclear weapons, where the Supreme Leader’s henchmen have been slowly but surely tiptoeing towards the starting gate, and may…
    February 27, 2024 13647 views
  • 28min

    Hezbollah’s Low-Intensity War versus Israel : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 837

    Whether by its own calculus, or due to strict instructions by Iran - or even both - Hezbollah have been cautious since October 8 to conduct brinkmanship by fire. The Lebanese Shiite militia, considered a ‘terror army’ by Israel, has limited its launches of missiles and rockets to the Upper Galilee district, signaling that it…
    February 21, 2024 14433 views
  • 28min

    Egypt’s Crucial Role in Mideast Stability amid Looming Rafah Offensive - Jerusalem Studio 836

    Egypt is the most important, populous and militarily capable of the Arab countries. Its 42 year peace agreement with Israel has so far withstood crises. Without it, the Mideast would surely have been constantly unstable and prone to repeated wars. But the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and the counter-offensive into Gaza - bordering…
    February 20, 2024 17624 views
  • 28min

    Iran’s Threat to Middle East Stability - Prospects of Wider Escalation, Jerusalem Studio 835

    On a recent visit to Lebanon, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, declared that Tehran never wanted the Hamas-Israel war to expand into a wider regional conflict. While in line with other such statements by senior regime officials, the Islamic Republic’s pious public position must always be juxtaposed with its actions and ultimate aim of gaining…
    February 14, 2024 20738 views
  • 28min

    The Western Response to the Gaza War & Regional Hostilities - Israel At War - Jerusalem Studio 834

    After the horrific massacre perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 last year, the general consensus in the outside world towards Israel - apart from Iran and its affiliates - was a naturally sympathetic one. But as the Israeli Defense Forces embarked on their air and ground counteroffensive, the human toll in Gaza took center stage,…
    February 13, 2024 12815 views
  • 28min

    The Middle East : Geo-Political and Strategic Intricacies - Israel at War - Jerusalem Studio 833

    The Middle East in the winter of 2024 is testimony to the old mix of change and continuity. Many of the actors and factors were around a year ago and some even much earlier, but now there are also some new elements. We have the Gaza War, the Hezbollah-Israel Campaign, the Houthi and Pro-Iranian Iraqi…
    February 07, 2024 10077 views
  • 28min

    Iran’s Nuclear Progress, Prospects of Breakout - Israel at War - Jerusalem Studio 832

    The Iranian leadership seems to have adopted a cautious attitude to the current crisis in the Middle East. It has not given up on any of its hegemonic ambitions or its efforts to undermine Israel and the United States; however, it has left the actual clashes to its various proxies and signaled that it does…
    February 06, 2024 19620 views
  • 28min

    Israel’s Northern Conundrum : Is War with Hezbollah Inevitable? Israel at War, Jerusalem Studio 831

    The current round of Hezbollah’s attack on Israel’s northern border started with the Gaza war and may even end with it, if the Shiite militia leader Hassan Nasrallah is to be believed. But turning the faucet on and off unilaterally will not satisfy the Israeli government, nor their military and most certainly not all of…
    January 31, 2024 19054 views
  • 28min

    Rising tensions amid Iran’s regional aspirations, Israel At War – Jerusalem Studio 830

    After a long period of passively absorbing blows by Iranian proxies from Baghdad to Bab-el-Mandeb, the United States is striking back against Houthis and Iraqi militias alike. But with American casualties in the Red Sea and Jordan, there is a growing risk of further escalation, with the U.S. running head-on into Iran’s ambitious regional aspirations…
    January 30, 2024 20151 views
  • 28min

    Iran’s Nuclear Program amid Accelerated Proliferation - Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 829

    Diversion has a double meaning in the current Iranian context. In its nuclear project, Iran is diverting quantities of fissile material to a dangerous level of enrichment, while the global and regional focus on the friction between the Iranian proxies may also serve to divert attention away from this nuclear issue. IAEA Chief Grossi recently…
    January 24, 2024 20930 views
  • 28min

    Escalating Mideast Tensions - Is an all-out Regional War Inevitable? Jerusalem Studio 828

    Israeli and Western clashes with Iran’s proxies have persisted for nearly four months now. The Hamas attack on October 7 of last year launched a series of conflagrations on the Lebanese border with Israel, in the Red Sea and even in Iraq. Besides the Gaza war, there have been exchanges of various kinds, including missiles,…
    January 23, 2024 16836 views
  • 28min

    CENTCOM's Multi-Arena Challenges amid rising regional tensions - Israel At War, Jerusalem Studio 827

    For the three decades prior to 2020 or so, the U.S. Central Command was indeed the center of the security universe. Desert Shield and Storm, Afghanistan, Iraq, Daesh were the most important missions the White House and Pentagon ran. Then came withdrawals, the projected pivot to the Indo-Pacific, Ukraine, and Europe and China seemed uppermost.…
    January 17, 2024 14845 views
  • 28min

    Prospects of regional conflagration; Geo-Strategic Assessment - Israel At War, Jerusalem Studio 826

    Israeli Intelligence, its failure to warn ahead of the October 7 attack that Hamas will launch an offensive, correctly described a scenario in which Israel has to deal with simultaneous military challenges from several Iranian-directed fronts. It came to pass when Hezbollah, the Houthis and Syrian and Iraqi militias joined the fight, the latter also…
    January 16, 2024 13376 views
  • 28min

    Escalating tensions in the Red Sea - Israel At War – Jerusalem Studio 825

    What started last November in the Bab-el-Mandab straits as a curious sideshow for the Gaza war has become a global problem. The Houthis of Yemen, with their persistent attacks on vessels of all flags and destinations, disrupted shipping to such an extent that the logistical and economic impacts around the world are significant. The U.S.…
    January 10, 2024 19503 views
  • 28min

    Prospects of full scale war on Israel's Northern Front - Israel At War – Jerusalem Studio 824

    For the last three months Hezbollah and the Israel Defense Forces have been exchanging fire across Lebanon’s southern border and the Galillee’s northern frontier. Rockets and missiles, bombs and shells flew back and forth, as the Shiite proxy of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force tried to balance its support of the Gaza-based Hamas war effort…
    January 09, 2024 18436 views
  • 28min

    The Israeli Air Force as Jerusalem’s Strategic Asset amid Regional Hostilities Jerusalem Studio 823

    Veterans of the IDF’s ground arm have consistently lobbied for more armour, infantry and artillery units and less reliance on the Israeli Air Force. Their call for sending ground divisions across the border, rather than relying upon fighter planes and UAV’s bombing targets from above, was finally answered in the Gaza War. Nevertheless, the IAF…
    December 20, 2023 28263 views
  • 28min

    Prospects of Israel-Lebanon Escalation : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 822

    For some eleven weeks now, Hezbollah and the IDF have been embroiled in a limited war of attrition along the Lebanese-Israeli border. Rockets, anti-tank missiles, mortar shells and UAV’s have been flying from north to south while fighter planes, helicopters, artillery and tanks have been returning fire in the opposite direction. Hezbollah’s casualties, together with…
    December 19, 2023 24978 views
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