US targets Iranian weapon development

New sanctions have been slapped on suppliers of Iranian armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, drones] that the United States says are being used by Russia against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.…

US adds more sanctions against Iran

The latest series of measures target companies and individuals involved in Iran's production and transfer of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, drones) used in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as…

Regional effort foils Iran-Gaza UAV transport

The IDF announced that two Iranian UAVs en route to Gaza were successfully intercepted after having been “detected and tracked throughout their flight by ground control units” in “coordination with…

Gantz exposes Iran’s new terror UAV

As proof of “just how far Iranian aggression has reached,” Israeli Defense Minster Benny Gantz showed an image illustrating how Iran transfers munitions and technical expertise to Venezuela for the…