Iran unveils first hypersonic ballistic missile

The move is likely to heighten Western concerns over the Islamic Republic’s defense capabilities. By Jonathan Hessen and Erin Viner The first domestically made hypersonic ballistic missile was presented at…

Gaza fires rocket barrage at Israel

A fragile truce appears to be holding after the latest cycle of violence with the the Iranian-proxy Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group. By Jonathan Hessen and Erin Viner Terrorists…

Israel’s Arrow 3 German Deal nears completion

Defense Ministries in the two nations and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) are now holding advanced negotiations in Germany to draft a detailed agreement for the delivery.   By Erin Viner…

Israel signs defense deals with Finland, Greece

The agreements come as part of Israel’s rising defense export industries. By Erin Viner The Finnish Ministry of Defense will purchase the advanced air‐defense David's Sling Weapon System, said a…

Israel retaliates for regional rocket attacks

Tensions remain high in and around Israel following a remarkably violent weekend that included hostilities vis-à-vis Lebanon, Gaza, Syria and the West Bank districts of Judea, Samaria and the Jordan…

Jewish World Celebrates Passover

Israeli security forces are on high alert during the holiday season amid an ongoing wave of Arab terror attacks. By Erin Viner Observance of the Passover festival is set to…

Terrorist stabs 2 soldiers

This, as the IDF retaliates for Gaza rocket attacks and Arab violence flares in Jerusalem. By Erin Viner A Palestinian terrorist from Hebron infiltrated Israel and stabbed two IDF soldiers…

Israel, Gaza tensions flare

The international community is actively trying to lower tensions between the sides. By Erin Viner This, after Palestinian terrorists in the Islamist Hamas controlled Gaza Strip fired six rockets at…

Israel downs Gaza rockets

IDF fighter jets retaliated with strikes on targets in the Islamist Hamas ruled Strip. By Erin Viner Residents of the southern Israeli city of Sderot and neighboring communities along the…

US: will work with Netanyahu government

The statement came as part of remarks by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the liberal J Street advocacy group in Washington. By Erin Viner “We fully respect the…