Gantz: coordination with PA critical

It is imperative to “maintain coordination and cooperation” with the Palestinian Authority (PA) even “alongside deep and difficult disagreements,” said Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz. By Jonathan Hessen and Erin…

Sweden: PA corruption hinders aid

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde stated that “widespread corruption” in “Palestine” is “an obstacle” for Stockholm’s “ambitions to help with economic development.” By Erin Viner This, according to Radio Sweden…

Abbas critic dies in PA custody

By Erin Viner for TV7 Furor has erupted in the Palestinian Authority (PA), after the death of a known activist detained by President Mahmoud Abbas' security forces. Nizar al-Banat, 43,…

Israel vaccinates Palestinian workers

Israel’s coronavirus vaccination drive for Palestinians who enter the country for work has successfully been launched. About 130,000 Palestinians are estimated to have been authorized to work in the Jewish…