Israel signs defense deals with Finland, Greece

The agreements come as part of Israel’s rising defense export industries. By Erin Viner The Finnish Ministry of Defense will purchase the advanced air‐defense David's Sling Weapon System, said a…

First Israeli defense exhibit opens in Abu Dhabi

The event marks the introductory presentation of  Israeli technologies at Abu Dhabi's “IDEX” defense exhibition. By Erin Viner The Israel Ministry of Defense (IMoD) inaugurated the national pavilion, said the…

Israel holds successful ‘Naval Iron Dome’ drill

The C-Dome interception test constitutes the final stage of operationalization, said a joint statement from the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMoD) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). By Erin Viner…

US, Israel hold Iron Dome test

In conjunction with the Ministry of Defense Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO), the United States Army “took a critical step toward fielding the first of two Iron Dome Defense System-Army (IDDS-A)…

Israel unveils hi-tech armaments

The government and defense establishments have rolled out the first-ever wheeled Armored Personnel Carrier, a new robotic unmanned combat vehicle and new drone technology. By Erin Viner The Tank and…

Israel to build high-power laser interceptor

Israeli Minister of Defense Benny Gantz has approved the allocation of a multi-million shekel budget for the development and production of the “Iron Beam” high-power laser system designed to intercept…

Finland to buy Israeli defense systems

Helsinki has narrowed its preference of a list of international developers of anti-aircraft equipment to one of two Israeli companies. By Erin Viner The Nordic country issued bids for the…

Israeli navy successfully tests C-Dome system

The first live-fire tests of ‘C-Dome’ interceptions from aboard the Navy’s Sa’ar 6 corvettes has been conducted. By Erin Viner The ‘C-Dome’ onboard missile defense system system is an advanced…

Iran vows to destroy Israel in future war

If Israel starts a war, said a top Iranian commander, the Islamic Republic will be the one to end it. By Jonathan Hessen and Erin Viner "Any mistake by Israel…