image Photo: Flash90

10 straight days of IDF-Gaza violence

Tensions with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip escalated when Palestinian Islamists indiscriminately launched three rocket barrages at southern Israeli communities last night.

The IDF confirmed to TV7 that two missiles fired around 10:25 PM failed to reach Israel and instead exploded near the security barrier between the sides.

Less than an hour later, IDF fighter jets and other aircraft retaliated with strikes against installations operated by the Islamist Hamas organization in Gaza, including “a concrete manufacturing site used for underground infrastructure and tunnel construction.”

During the Israeli bombardment, Islamists fired three projectiles toward the southern Israeli community of Kissufim. All of the incoming Palestinian rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome Aerial Defense System, and caused neither injury nor damage.

The next attack occurred at approximately 2:30 AM. Air raid sirens blasted in the city of Sderot and several Israeli communities situated along the Gaza front; forcing tens of thousands of civilians to rush into bomb shelters within the 15-second advisory issued by the Home Front Command. While three of the incoming rockets were successfully intercepted by Israel’s aerial defense array, another slammed into a home where residents were sleeping. The structure sustained damage, although the occupants emerged unharmed. Three other women in Sderot were treated for shock, and a 50-year-old woman required medical care for wounds received after falling en route to shelter.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit informed TV7 that fighter jets and additional aircraft conducted two further retaliatory raids on Hamas targets in Gaza, including subterranean facilities and weapon manufacturing sites.

Meanwhile, at least 5 fires erupted on Israeli territory today following the launching of explosives-laden balloons from Gaza.

The Israeli military has been instructed to prepare for a wide-scale operation in Gaza, following a series of situation assessments by Jerusalem’s top defense echelons. Discussions are ongoing over the potential application of targeted assassinations of the Islamist leaders responsible for the latest escalation of hostilities.